Sunday, April 1, 2018



1. Barge   BE /bɑːdʒ/  AE /bɑːrdʒ/
    a long boat with a flat bottom, used for carrying heavy objects 
    on rivers or canals

2. Battleship BE AE /ˈbæt.əl.ʃɪp/ 
     a very large military ship with guns.

3. Boat  BE /bəʊt/  AE /boʊt/
    a small vehicle for travelling on water.

4. Canoe BE AE /kəˈnuː/ 
    a small light, narrow boat, pointed at both ends and moved
    using a peddle (-a short pole with a flat blade)

5. Cargo ship 
    a large ship used to carry cargo (goods) only. no passengers

6. Catamaran BE AE /ˈkæt.ə.mə.ræn
    a sailing boat that has two parallel hulls (=floating parts) held 
    together by a single deck (=flat surface)

7. Clipper  BE /ˈklɪp.ər/ AE /ˈklɪp.ɚ/
    a long fast sailing ship of the 19 th century.

8. Dhow  BE AE /daʊ/
    a sailing boat with a long thin hull (=body) and one or two masts
    (=post for sails) used mostly in eastern Arabia, eastern Africa, 
    and southern Asia.

9. Dinghy BE /ˈdɪŋ.ɡi/ AE ˈdɪŋ.i/
    a small sailing boat.

10. Ferry (BE AE /ˈfer.i/
      a boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles acroos
     an are of water, especially as a regular service.

11. Sailing boat
      a small boat used for fishing

12. Freighter UK/ˈfreɪ.tər/  US /ˈfreɪ.t̬ɚ/
      a large ship for carrying goods.

13. Frigate  BE AE /ˈfrɪɡ.ət/
      a small fast military ship 

14. Galleon  BE  AE 
      a large sailing ship with three or four masts, used both in trade
      and war from the 15th to the 18th centuries.

15. Gondola BE
 /ˈɡɒn.dəl.ə/ AE /ˈɡɑːn.dəl.ə/
      a narrow boat with a raised point at both ends, used on canals
      in Venice.

16. Houseboat BE/ˈhaʊs.bəʊt/ AE  /ˈhaʊs.boʊt/
      a boat that people use as their home, often kept in one place on 
      a river or canal  

17. Hovercraft BE /ˈhɒv.ə.krɑːft/ AE /ˈhɑː.vɚ.kræft/
      a vehicle that travels quickly just above the surface of water
      or land by producing a current of air under it to support it.

18. Junk UK US 
      a Chinese ship with a flat bottom and square sails 

19. Kayak UK US /ˈkaɪ.æk/
       a light narrow canoe with a covering over the top
20. Ketch BE AE  /ketʃ/
      a small sailing boat with two masts (=small poles that support
      the sails
21. Launch BE AE /lɔːntʃ/
      a boat that has an engine and carries passengers for short
      distances, especially on a lake or a river, or from the land to
      a larger boat.

22. Liner BE 
/ˈlaɪ.nər/  AE  /ˈlaɪ.nɚ/
      a large ship for carrying passengers to great comfort on long
23. Motorboat BE /ˈməʊ.tə.bəʊtAE  /ˈmoʊ.t̬ɚ.boʊt/

      a small fast boat that is powered by an engine.

24. Narrow boat BE /ˈnær.əʊ.bəʊtAE /ˈner.oʊ.boʊt/ 
      a canal boat   

25. Pontoon BE AE 
      a small, flat boat or a metal structure of a similar shape used
      especially to form or support a temporary floating bridge.
26. Powerboat BE/ˈpaʊə.bəʊt/  AE /ˈpaʊ.ɚ.boʊt/
      a small boat with a powerful engine  that can travel very fast 
      and is used in races.

27. Punt BE  AE /pʌnt/
      a long, narrow boat with a flat bottom and square ends, moved
      by a person standing at one end and pushing on the bottom of
      a river with a pole
28. Rowboat (Rowing boat) BE 
/ˈrəʊ ˌbəʊt/ AE /ˈroʊ ˌboʊt/
      a small boat that is moved by pulling oars (=poles with flat
      ends) through the water.

29. Sailboat BE /ˈseɪl.bəʊt/ AE /ˈseɪl.boʊt/
      a small boat with sails.

30. Ship  BE  AE /ʃɪp/
      a large boat for travelling on water, especially across the sea

31. Speedboat BE /ˈspiːd.bəʊt/  AE /ˈspiːd.boʊt/
      a small boat with a powerful engine that travels very fast

32. Tanker BE AE 
       a ship or vehicle that is built to carry liquid or gas

33. Tugboat BE AE
       a boat with a powerful engine which can change direction   
       easily and is used to pull large ships into and out of port     
34.  Vessel BE AE /ˈves.əl/
        a large boat or a ship       

35.  Yacht BE AE 
       a boat with sails and sometimes an engine, used for either
       racing or travelling on for pleasure