Tuesday, March 27, 2018




1. Airplane UK  US /ˈer.pleɪn/
    a vehicle designed for air travel that has wings and one or more

2. Airship (Blimp) UK /ˈeə.ʃɪp/  US er.ʃɪp/
    a large aircraft without wings, used especially in the past, 
    consisting if a large bag filled with gas that is lighter than air 
    and driven  by engines. Passengers were carried in a structure
    hanging below.

3.  Amphibian UK US /æmˈfɪb.i.ən/
     an aircraft that can be used on land and on water.

4. Balloon  UK US
     a very large balloon that is filled with hot air or gas and can 
     carry people in a basket (-open container) hanging under it.
5. Biplane UK US /ˈbaɪ.pleɪn/
    an old tYpe of aircraft with two sets of wings, one above the 

6. Bomber  UK/ˈbɒm.ər/ US /ˈbɑː.mɚ/
    an aircraft that drops bombs. 

7. Chopper UK  /ˈtʃɒp.ər/  US /ˈtʃɑː.pɚ/
    informal for helicopter 

8. Dive-bomber UK/ˈdaɪvˌbɒm.ər/ US /ˈdaɪvˌbɑː.mɚ/
    a military aircraft designed to dive quickly before dropping its 
    bombs on a target. 

9.  Hot-air balloon UK /hɒtˈeə bəˌluːnUS /hɑːtˈer bəˌluːn/
     an aircraft consisting of a very large bag filled with heated air 
     or other gas, with a basket (=container) hanging under it in 
     which people can ride.

10. Jumbo jet UK/ˌdʒʌm.bəʊ ˈdʒet/ US /ˌdʒʌm.boʊ ˈdʒet/ 
      a very large aircraft that can carry a lot of people

11. Seaplane UK US
       an aircraft that can take off from and land on water

12. Zeppelin  UK US /ˈzep.əl.ɪn/
      a large airship (=an aircraft without wings, containing gas to 
      make it lighter than air, and with an engine).