Sunday, May 20, 2018



1, aisle  BE    AE  /aɪl/ 
     a long narrow space between rows of seat in a train.

2. announcement BE AE /əˈnaʊns.mənt/  
    something that the official in the train station says officially

3,  buffet car / restaurant car BE/ˈbʊf.eɪ ˌkɑːr/ AE /0bəˈfeɪ ˌkɑːr

      a carriage on a train where food and drinks can be bought

4. cable car BE /ˈkeɪ.bəl ˌkɑːr/   AE  /ˈkeɪ.bəl ˌkɑːr/
    a vehicle that hangs from and is moved by a cable and transports
    people up steep stopes

 5. carriage BE/ˈkær.ɪdʒ/ AE /ˈker.ɪdʒ/
     1. any of the separate parts of a train in which the passengers sit.

     2. BE  the cost of  transporting goods

6. compartment BE /kəmˈpɑːt.məntAE /kəmˈpɑːrt.mənt/
    one of the separate areas inside a vehicle, especially a train.
7. conductor BE  AE /kənˈdʌk.tər/
    a railway officials who travels on and is responsible for a train.

 8, derailment BE  AE  /ˌdiːˈreɪl.mənt/
    the fact of a  train coming off the railway tracks

9. fare BE /feər/   AE  /fer/
    the money that you pay for a journey in a train

10. guard BE  /ɡɑːd/ AE /ɡɑːrd/
      a railway official who travels on and is responsible for a train
11. level crossing 
      a place where a railway and a road cross each othrr, usually 
     with gates that stop the traffic while a train goes past.  

12. line closure
      a line usually yellow at railway or train station  that is a sign 
      for people not to stand, walk in or sit on 

13. live rail 
      an additional rail supplying electric current, used in some 
      electric railway systems.

14. platform  BE  /ˈplæt.fɔːm/ AE /ˈplæt.fɔːrm/
    a long, flat raised structure at a railway station, where people get 
   on and off trains

15. railcard BE /ˈreɪl.kɑːd/ AE /ˈreɪl.kɑːrd/
      in the UK, a car d that you can buy and then use to buy train 
      tickets more cheaply. 

16. railway line
      a track made of steel rails along which trains run.

17.  reservation BE /ˌrez.əˈveɪ.ʃən/  AE  /ˌrez.ɚˈveɪ.ʃən/
     an arrangement to have something kept for you, for example, a 
     seat on a train. 

 18. season ticket BE AE /ˈsiː.zən ˌtɪk.ɪt/
       a ticket that can be used many times within a limited period 
       and is cheaper than paying separately for each use.

 19.  schedule BE /ˈʃedʒ.uːl/ AE  /ˈskedʒ.uːl/
       a train schedule (see ALSO timetable) is a list of days and 
       times that trains leave and arrive at particular place.
20. seat BE AE /siːt/
      a piece of furniture or part of a  train that has been designed for 
      someone to sit on.

21. signal BE AE  /ˈsɪɡ.nəl/ 
      equipment, especially on the side of a railway or road, often 
      with lights, that tells drivers to stop, continue or go more slowly
22. sleeper train
      a train in which the passengers can sleep in 

10. station BE  AE  /ˈsteɪ.ʃən/ 
      a building and the surrounding area where houses and trains 
      stop for people to get on or off.

11. subway  BE AE /ˈsʌb.weɪ/
      a railway system in which electric trains ravel throguht tunnels 
     below ground.

12. ticket BE AE  /ˈtɪk.ɪt(train pass)
      a small piece of paper or card given to someone , usually to 
      show that they have paid for an journey.

13. ticket machine BE AEtɪk.ɪt məˈʃiːn/ 
      a machine used for selling ticket for passenger located in the 