Thursday, November 16, 2017



Reading the Qur'an by a voice

We, as a Muslim, often read the  Qur'an. What we realize that when we read Al qur'an we will get reward from Allah SWT. We do not know that reading Alqur'an can prevent us from various diseases. The question is how could ?

A great clinic in Florida USA did a survey conducted by DR. Al Qodhi to prove that reading the Qur'an can prevent us from various diseases.  The survey proved that hearing the Qur'an read by somebody else or by ourselves can provide immense physiological changes whether we can speak Arabic or not.

Muhammad Salim from Boston University did the same thing, He also found the same result as DR Al Qodhi.

From those surveys it is recommended that Qur'an should be read by a voice, at least to be heard by oneself.

Here is the explanation :

Every cell in our body vibrates in a thorough system, when any slight change in vibration will cause a potential illness in our body. Therefore, the damaged cell must be vibrated back to restore its balance. 

This means When we read the Qur'an we should read it in a loud voice, so it comes the so-called Voice Therapy found by a French doctor named Alfred T. 

Meanwhile DR Al-Qodhi found that READING THE QUR'AN WITH A VOICE gives an enormous influence on brain cells to restore its balance. Subsequent research proves that Reading the Qur'an has a great impact in the process of healing, even for cancer. 

Viruses and germs stop vibrating when recited the holy verses of the Qur'an and at the same time the health cells become active to restore the balance of the disturbed program (Read the Qur'an Al Isro verse 82)

And what reinforcing oneself to be more diligent and keen to read the Qur'an is because according the survey the voice that give the strongest effect on the cells in the body is the voice of oneself, not somebody else , (Read the Qur'an letter 7 verse 55 and letter 17 verse 10)

Why is praying in congregation more recommended ?

It is recommended to pray in congregation because the imam will read the Qur'an loudly (in subuh, maghrib, and isa) and the prayers will be read loudly, These loudly readable voice of prayer can restore the damaged system all day long.

In Islam we are forbidden to listen to frenetic songs because the survey proves that the vibration of the sound of noisy make body imbalanced


1. Read the Qur'an in the morning and the night before going to bed with a 
    voice to restore the damaged system of the body as daily activity returns to 
2. Reduce listening to frenetic musics, replace it with a clear murotal that clearly 
    gives a healing effect. Who knows we have the potential for cancer, but  
    because we always listen to murotal, the disease can be destroyed before it 
    is detected.
3. Try to read the Qur'an as correctly as possible because our own voice effects 
    are the most powerful in healing. 

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