Tuesday, May 30, 2017



       Lusi  :  What did you do yesterday?
       Alex  :  I attended the meeting YESTERDAY MORNING
                    I accompanied my boss YESTERDAY NOON
                    I played tennis YESTERDAY AFTERNOON
                    I finished the proposal YESTERDAY EVENING, and

                     I visited my uncle LAST NIGHT.

The last night that has passed (you would not use "last" for a period that is not over yet) is necessarily that of the day before today. This could be the reason we use "last" only with "night".  ('jangan gunakan "last" bila periode waktu/hari  belum habis)

. "Yesterday evening" is used for the earlier part of what remains after let's say working time and "last night" is used for late towards the end of the day and can also extend into the time when you're asleep. ("Yesterday evening" digunakan bagian yg lebih awal dari hari yang tersisa misalnya waktu kerja dan "last night" digunakan untuk menjelang akhir hari dan bisa diperluas sampai saat anda sedang tidur)
Loot at he following examples
a. After I had finished work yesterday evening, I called in a supermarket
    to buy some wine before driving home.
b. We stayed home last night and watched television until bed time.
c,  Did you hear the terrible thunderstorm last night? I woke me up.

B. THIS and TO

Observe THIS and TO

               Situation ; It's 11 p.m.
  Yon    :  When did you arrive ?
   Lee   :  I arrived THIS MORNING.
   Yon   :  What did she do TODAY?
   lee     :  I studied vocabulary THIS NOON
                I attended class THIS AFTERNOON.
                I visited friends THIS EVENING.
   Yon   :  Was she tired TONIGHT?
   Lee   :   Yes, she was very tired 

Tonight means 'today's evening' and evening means 'evening'
 'tonight' can apply to the whole night (until the next morning), so only this is appropriate for events at midnight or 1 a.m.(Tonight berarti malam hari ini dan evening berarti malam, "tonight bisa berlaku sepanjang malam sampai keesokan harinya, jadi hanya "tonight" yang sesuai untuk acara/peristiwa di tengah malam atau jam 1 pagi)

Evening is a window of time from late afternoon through early night. Night starts after dusk and extends until just before dawn.(Evening adalah jendela waktu dari sore sampai dini hari. Night dimulai setelah senja dan memanjang sampai menjelang fajar

They overlap for the beginning of the night/evening, but "tonight" goes further. So you can say "I'm dinning in this evening", meaning you probably won't stay up too late, but if you say "I'm going to go out tonight", it would mean that you won't stay late, but it could be 2 a.s. or 5 a.m. also. You would never use "this evening" for going out until 2 a.m, though. (Keduanya tumpang tindih untuk awal malam, tetapi "tonight" melangkah lebih jauh. Jadi anda bisa mengatakan "I'm dinning in this evening", yang berarti anda mungkin tidak akan  terlalu larut malam, tetapi jika anda mengatakan "I'm going out to go out tonight", itu berarti anda tidak akan larut malam, tetapi bisa jadi jam 2 pagi atau jam 5 pagi. Anda tidak akan pernah menggunakan "this evening"  untuk pergi keluar sampai jam 2 malam)


Observe LAST and THIS

        Situation :  It's Saturday morning
   Yon    :  Don't you like cold weather?
    Lee   :   No, I don't. I like hot weather,
    Yon   :  It was hot LAST MONTH.
    Lee   :  Yes, it was hot THIS MONTH
    Yon   :  LAST WEEK was warm.
    Lee   :  Yes, but THIS WEEK was very cold.
    Yon   :  I think I will be cooler NEXT WEEK

Note  :  LAST indicates the preceding week, month, etc.
             THIS  indicates present week, month etc.  
              NEXT indicates the coming week, month etc.
                     Situation :   Thursday 17
                  S    M   Tu   W    Th     F     S
                                 1     2     4      4      5
                  6     7      8     9    10    11    12
                  13   14   15   16   17    18    19
                  20   21   22   22   23    24    25
                  26   27   28   29   30 

             Andi    :   When did you arrive ?
             Sue      :   I arrived THIS Wednesday  (16)
                             I planned to leave London LAST
                             When is Marie's birthday ?
             Andi    :   Her birthday is  THIS Saturday  (19) 
             Sue      :   We will go to Toronto NEXT WednesdaY
             Andi      :  Some of our friends have birthday THIS
                              week (13 to 19)
                              Some have celebrated their birthday LAST
                              week (6 to 12) 
                             There will be some events NEXT week 
                              (20 to 25)

The dialogues above show us the differences of   THIS,  LAST and NEXT. THIS indicates the day, week, or month that has passed (E.G. this WEDNESDAY, this WEEK, this MONTH)  or in the future (e.g THIS Saturday) and NEXT indicates the future (e.g. NEXT Wednesday, NEXT Week)