Tuesday, May 9, 2017



A. I beg your pardon

This expression is used for :
1. Apologizing for what we just did/said 
(Mohon ,maaf atas apa yang telah kita lakukan/katakan)
 A: "I beg your pardon. I wasn't looking where I was going"
 B: "That's all right" 

2. If you can't hear clearly what somebody said. You  want him to repeat it.
(Mohon mengulangi perkataan yang kurang jelas)
  A: "I beg your pardon. I couldn't hear you"
  B: "OK"/ "All right" 

3.  To express an exclamation of indignation
 incredulous disbelief  
 (Ungkapan/ seruan kemarahan  atau
 A : "I'm afraid we're going to have to cut
your presentation"
 B :"I beg your pardon? Who on earth decided that"             
 4. Asking for attention 
  (Mohon perhatian)
   " I beg your pardon, everyone. but I'd like to announce something important"

 5. You believe someone is mistaken or incorrect     and you express that you don't agree on that.
(Anda yakin seseorang salah dan anda mengungkapkan bahwa anda tidak percaya dengan          dengan hal itu)
      "I beg your pardon, but I believe you'll find that our school is actually one of the best in our place"  

B. Beg to differ (with someone)

     It is used to disagree with someone with a polite way 
(Menyatakan tidak setuju dengan seseorang  dengan cara yang sopan)
1. "I beg to differ with you, but you have
stated something which is not clear"
 2. "If I may beg to differ, you have not expressed my position as well you seem to think"

C. Excuse me (and Excuse please, Pardon me)

1. To express asking forgiveness for some minot   social violation, such as belching or bumping into    someone. 
(meminta maaf atas pelanggaran sosial  ringan seperti bersendawa atau menabrak seseorang dll)
1.John : "Ouch!"
    Bob : "Excuse. I didn't see you there. 
2. Mary : "Oh! Ow!"
    Lee   : "Pardon me. I don't mean to bump
               into you"          
3. Tom ; "Ouch!"
    Mary : "Oh, dear!.What happened?"
   Tom : "You stepped on my knee"
   Mary : "Excuse me. I'm sorry/" 

 2. Please let me through, Please let me by   
 (Numpang lewat)
 1. Tom : "Excuse me. I need to get past".
     Bob : "Oh, sorry. i didn't know I was in the
 2. Mary : "Pardon me"
    Sue   : "What?"
    Mary  : "Pardon me. I want to past you"

D. Beg your pardon, but .....

    A very polite way and formal way of interrupting, bringing something to someone's attention, or asking a question of a stranger 
(Satu cara yang sopan dan formal menyela, membawakan sesuatu untuk menjadi perhatikan seseorang, atau menanyakan sesuatu pada orang asing)
1. Rachel : "Beg your pardon, but I think your right front tire is a little low."
    Henry : " Thank you"
2. John : "Begging your pardon mom. Weren't we on the same plane last week"
    Rachael : "Couldn't have been me".

E. Pardon me for living!

    A very indignant response to a criticism or rebuke 
(Tanggapan sangat marah atas suatu kritik)
Fred: " Oh, i thought you had already taken yourself out of here"
Sue: "Well, pardon me for living!"

F. Pardon my French, and Excuse me my French

    It's a swear word or taboo words. It does not really refers to real French 
1. "Pardon my French, but this is a hell of a day." 
2. What  the needs is a kick in  the ass if you                excuse my French,"
Note: Never ask pardon before you are accused. do not apologize to something if nobody knows  that you did it because by apologizing you are admitting that you did it.